In this week's message, Pastor Richard Cimino expounds on the beautiful prayer of Jesus known commonly as the Lord's Prayer. The simplicity of this prayer is perfectly tailored by Jesus to fit the cries of the humble (poor in spirit), the broken (those who mourn), and the desperate (those who hunger and thirst for righteousness). This is the prayer of those who have nowhere to turn but to God, the meek who will inherit the earth. In other words, this prayer is perfectly tailored by the King to fit the cries of those whose way of being is described in the Beatitudes!
When you find yourself at a total loss for what to say or ask, the words provided by your King are always right on point:
Please, Father's work in such a way that your name will be hallowed. Let your kingdom be established and advanced; let your will be done in this situation just as it is in heaven. May heaven touch earth in the midst of all of this.